
CPRM provides three map services on the website OneGeology: (i) Simplified Lithology, (ii) Ages of Lithostratigraphic Units and (iii) Brazil Hydrogeological Map, with caption in English. Maps (i) and (ii) are available in the harmonization language GeoSciML and connected with the metadata information of the Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais - INDE.

Recently, OneGeology provided the CPRM with accreditation in the maximum category (five stars) for its map services in harmonized language. Formal recognition by a specialized independent body gives Brazil a leading position in the global context.

We invite you, user of geoscientific data, to access the data in OneGeology and enjoy the service offered, in addition to accessing the maps of other geological services of the world, some already classified in the harmonized language.