• Flooding and Landslides

    Flooding and Landslides

  • Geologia.GIS

    New Geology.GIS

  • Engineering Geology.GIS

    Disaster Prevention Map

  • Remote Sensing and Geophysics

    Remote Sens. and Geophysics

  • Downloads


  • Hydrometeorological Data

    Hydrometeorological Data

  • Rigeo

    RIgeo Repository

  • Web Map Services

  • Geologia Médica

    Medical Geology

  • Brazil Diamond Project

    Brazil Diamond Project

  • Lithium Potential in Brazil

    Lithium Potential in Brazil

  • Aflora

    Aflora Application

  • Aflora

    Lithotheques Collection

  • Geology.GIS


Photo of Pico Dedo de Deus

Photo of Fossil

Photo of Mineral Resources

Microscopic Petrography Image

Photo of Crystal Outcrop